Ed Parker American Kenpo: Clutching Feathers



  1. With your left hand, pin the opponent’s left hand to your head. Simultaneously step to 6:00 and form a right neutral bow stance as you deliver a right vertical middle knuckle fist strike to the nerves in the opponent’s left arm pit.
  2. Pivot clockwise and form a right forward bow stance as you deliver a left thrusting heel palm strike to the opponent’s jaw simultaneously with a right extended outward block to the inside of your opponent’s left arm.
  3. Finish with a right inward downward diagonal raking back knuckle strike across the bridge of the opponent’s nose as you pivot counterclockwise back into your right neutral bow stance.
  4. Execute a right front crossover and double cover out toward 7:30.


  1. Without disrupting the flow of motion of your right hand, pivot counterclockwise and form a right reverse bow stance facing 12:00 and convert your right hand into a right downward (rear) hammerfist strike to the opponent’s groin. Your left hand should be positionally checking by the right side of your face.
  2. Immediately pivot clockwise and form a right neutral bow stance as you deliver a right outward back knuckle strike to the right side of the opponent’s face. Your left hand will be positionally checking at rib cage level.
  3. Slide your left foot forward and in front of your right foot forming a left front twist stance facing 12:00. Prior to your left foot planting, deliver a left vertical punch to the opponent’s sternum simultaneously with your right forearm horizontally checking below your left punch. As your left foot plants into the twist stance, execute a right inward horizontal elbow strike to the left side of the opponent’s jaw simultaneously with a left inward horizontal heel palm strike to create a sandwiching effect.
  4. Deliver a right threading knee kick to the opponent’s groin as you simultaneously execute a right outward heel palm strike to this solar plexus and a left inward circular five-finger claw across his face.
  5. Hook around the left side of the opponent’s neck with your left hand and pull his head forward and downward.
    Simultaneously plant into a right neutral bow stance as you deliver a right inward overhead hammerfist strike to the back of his neck.
  6. Pivot into a transitional right reverse bow stance as you roll your right forearm clockwise to hook your opponent’s head and guide it downward and toward your right leg. Immediately deliver a right upward knee kick to his face.
  7. From Point of Contact, execute a right front crossover and double cover out toward 7:30.

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