Ed Parker American Kenpo: Triggered Salute

TRIGGERED SALUTE (FRONT – Right Hand direct push)


  1. With your left hand, pin the opponent’s right hand against your chest as you step forward (toward 11:00) with your right foot and form a right neutral bow stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s right knee. Simultaneously deliver a right thrusting heel palm strike to his chin.
  2. Form the shape of the crane with your right hand and frictionally slide down the opponent’s right arm to hook his right arm toward 5:30. Round the Corner and deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to his solar plexus.
  3. Follow through with your elbow strike and immediately return with a right outward horizontal elbow strike to his right floating ribs. Using Residual Torque, continue with a right outward horizontal back knuckle strike to his right floating rib or kidney and immediately cock your right fist to your right hip.
  4. Without any loss of motion, deliver a right thrusting vertical back knuckle strike under the opponent’s chin.
  5. Execute a right front crossover and double cover out toward 7:30.


  1. Deliver a right thrusting handsword strike to the opponent’s right shoulder. Immediately check his right arm downward with your right hand and deliver a left inward overhead heel palm strike and claw to his face.
  2. Deliver a right thrusting uppercut punch to the opponent’s chin. Your left forearm acts as a pinning check.
  3. Slide your left foot toward 1:30 and form a left rear twist stance as you deliver a left inward claw to the opponent’s face simultaneous with a right back elbow strike (palm up) to his solar plexus.
  4. Immediately slide your right foot back toward 1:30 and form a right reverse bow stance to buckle the inside of the opponent’s left leg as you deliver a right downward hammerfist strike to the opponent’s groin.
  5. Deliver a right thrusting knee kick to the inside of the opponent’s right knee.
  6. From Point of Contact, execute a right front crossover and double cover out toward 7:30.

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