Ed Parker American Kenpo: Unfurling Crane

UNFURLING CRANE (FRONT – Left & Right Punch Combination)


  1. Step back with your left foot to form a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right vertical outward block to the inside of the opponent’s left punch. Your left hand positionally checks low.
  2. Execute a forward push-drag foot maneuver as you deliver a right inward block immediately followed by a left vertical outward block to the inside of the opponent’s right punch. Continue the motion of your right hand and convert it into a right downward hammerfist strike to the opponent’s groin.
  3. Immediately follow with a left inward overhead heel palm claw to the bridge of the opponent’s nose. Reverse the path of your right hammerfist and deliver a right rolling back knuckle strike to the opponent’s face.
  4. Slide your left foot (gauging leg) toward your right foot to form a right 45-degree cat stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right downward hammerfist strike to the opponent’s groin again.
  5. Deliver a right upward vertical obscure elbow strike to the opponent’s chin immediately followed by a right upward vertical heel palm claw to his face. Within the same flow of motion, deliver a left thrusting heel palm strike to the opponent’s solar plexus and a right front scoop kick to his groin.
  6. Deliver a right knife-edge kick to the inside of the opponent’s right knee. Simultaneously deliver a right inward handsword strike to the left side of the opponent’s neck.
  7. From Point of Contact, execute a right front crossover and double cover out toward 7:30.

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