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Tracy Kenpo: Shaolin Warrior (ABC)


Defense A:

  1. Step forward left with a left hooking block as your right foot crescent steps behind the attacker’s right leg as you throw a right vertical punch.
  2. Drop to left knee as you do a right back knuckle through back of right knee then left hand grabs shoulder.
  3. Right foot sweeps back followed by a right punch.

Defense B:

  1. Step forward left with a left hooking block as your right foot crescent steps behind the attacker’s right leg as you throw a right vertical punch.
  2. Drop to left knee as you do a right back knuckle through back of right knee then right hand grabs shoulder.
  3. Right foot sweeps back followed by a left punch.

Defense C:

  1. Step forward left with a left hooking block as your right foot crescent steps behind the attacker along with a vertical punch.
  2. Drop to left knee as you do a right back knuckle through back of right knee.
  3. Right forearm smash the rib cage, then drop with left knee.
  4. Right heel palm to chest as you sweep leg straight back, drop right heel stomp on attackers body.
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