Tracy Kenpo: Sticks of Satin (AB)


Defense A:

  1. Left foot to 10:30 using a crossing block then both hands will grab club.
  2. Swing downward to strike leg.
  3. Right hand releases grip on the club hand.
  4. Right elbow strikes back to rib cage.
  5. Right foot sweeps back to 4:30 as you sweep the attackers right arm back followed by a roundhouse kick to body.

Defense B:

  1. Left foot to 10:30 using a crossing block then both hands will grab club.
  2. Swing downward to strike leg.
  3. Left hand releases grip on the club hand.
  4. Left elbow strikes back to rib cage.
  5. Right foot sweeps back to 4:30 as you sweep the attackers right arm back followed by a roundhouse kick to body.

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