Tracy Kenpo: Waterwheel (AB)


Defense A:

  1. Left foot steps to 10:30 as your left hand parries and traps to the outside of the right punch.
  2. Right crescent step to 12:00 stepping around the attacker’s right leg.
  3. Right vertical punch to temple, right chop to neck.
  4. Right arm slides down and pins the attacker’s right arm.
  5. Left foot steps to 1:30 behind attacker.
  6. left heel palm strike between shoulder blades as you do a right knuckles strike to sternum.
  7. Left hand grabs right side twist it CCW.
  8. Left hand braces right side of head.

Defense B:

  1. Left foot steps to 10:30 as your left hand parries and traps to the outside of the right punch.
  2. Right crescent step to 12:00 stepping around the attacker’s right leg.
  3. Right vertical punch to temple, right chop to neck.
  4. Right arm slides down and pins the attacker’s right arm.
  5. Left vertical punch to the temple.



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