Tracy Kenpo: Chinese Hook (AB)


Defense A:

  1. Left foot steps to 11:00 with a right deflecting block to the outside of the right punch.
  2. Pivot to face 3:00 as your right and left hand hooks over the top of the attackers arm.
  3. Left foot sweeps back to 7:00, both hands sweeps the attackers arm past the left side of your body followed by a right snapping backfist to the attacker’s temple as your left hand covers.

Defense B:

  1. Left foot steps to 11:00 with a right deflecting block to the outside of the right punch.
  2. Pivot to face 3:00 as your right and left hand hooks over the top of the attackers arm.
  3. Left foot sweeps back to 7:00, both hands sweeps the attackers arm past the left side of your body as your left foot cross steps in front of your right to 1:30 followed by a right snapping backfist to the attackers temple as your left hand covers.

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