Taekwondo: WTF Taekwondo: Sipjin

  1. Ready stance
  2. Without stepping, bull block
  3. Without stepping,open arms,pause briefly, move left foot right back stance, left palm augmented outward block
  4. Slowly open left fist, twist left wrist inward, slide left foot forward, left front stance, without stepping, right horizontal fingertip thrust, without stepping, left, right punch
  5. Step forward right foot, turn 90° right, horse stance, looking right, opening mountain block
  6. Step with left foot place, front right foot, cross stance, grab opponent left hand, chamber right hand side punch, continue moving same direction, step right foot horse stance, right side punch
  7. Step right foot turn 180° counterclockwise, horse stance, double elbow strike
  8. Move right foot left back stance, right palm augmented outward block
  9. Slowly open right fist, twist right wrist inward, slide right foot forward, right front stance, without stepping, left horizontal fingertip thrust, without stepping, right left punch
  10. Step forward left foot turn 90° left horse stance, looking left, opening mountain block
  11. Step right foot place front left foot, cross stance, grab your opponent, right hand, chamber left hand for side Punch, continue moving same direction, step left foot, horse stance, left side punch
  12. Step left foot turn 180° clockwise, horse stance, double elbow strike
  13. Step backward right foot turn 180° clockwise, left back stance, right palm augmented outward block
  14. Slowly open right fist, fingers nearly open, start twisting right wrist inward, left hand continues support, slide right foot right front stance, without stepping, complete movement started 31 performing, left horizontal fingertip thrust, without stepping, left then right punch
  15. Step forward left foot, right back stance, double knifehand low block
  16. Step forward right foot, right front stance, bring hands right side of waist, palms open, thumbs pointing toward each other, without stepping, boulder push
  17. Pivot 90° counterclockwise, slide left foot back horse stance, ridgehand opening block
  18. Without stepping, double knifehand low opening block
  19. Slowly close fists, position low opening block, when hands almost closed, straight legs, wide stance
  20. Pivot 90° counterclockwise, left front stance, pull up
  21. Without stepping, bring hands, left side waist, palms open, thumbs pointing toward each other, without stepping, boulder push
  22. Right front kick, set right foot down, right front stance, simultaneous punch
  23. Left front kick, set left foot down, left front stance, simultaneous punch
  24. Right front kick, stomp right foot down behind left foot cross stance, right augmented high backfist strike
  25. Step left foot 180° counterclockwise, left front stance, boulder push
  26. Slide left foot back right tiger stance, knifehand low cross block
  27. Step forward right foot, left back stance, right ridge hand middle block
  28. Step forward left foot right back stance, simultaneous punch
  29. Step forward right foot left back stance, simultaneous punch
  30. Step right foot, turn 180° ready position end

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