Kyokushin Karate:Gekisai Sho

  1. Turn to the left into left kokutsu dachi and block chudan uke and Quickly punch chudan gyaku tsuki.
  2. Move forward into zenkutsu dachi and block jodan uke and Quickly punch chudan gyaku tsuki.
  3. Take the right foot back turning the body 90 ° into kiba dachi and block left gedan barai,looking to the left as you block.
  4. Turn 90 ° to the right sliding the right foot back into right kokutsu dachi and block chudan uchi uke
  5. Move forward into left zenkutsu dachi and block left jodan uke, and Quickly punch chdan gyaku tsuki
  6. Take the left foot back turning the body 90 ° into kiba dachi and block right gedan barai looking to the right as you block.
  7. Move the right foot towards the left and move forward into the 45° kiba dachi,block right chdan haito uchi uke and block right shuto gedan bari with ibuki.
  8. Move the left foot towards the right and move forward into the 45° kiba dachi,block left chdan haito uchi uke and block left shuto gedan bari with ibuki.
  9. Move the right foot towards the left and move forward into the 45° kiba dachi,block right chdan haito uchi uke and block right shuto gedan bari with ibuki.
  10. Kick left jodan mae geri to the front and land forward into left zenkutsu dachi and block jodan oke, quickly punch chudan gyaku tsuki and KIKI in the same dachi block gyaku chudan uchi uke and block gyaku mae gedan bari.
  11. Turn your hand to look behind and at the same time move the right leg across to turn 180° into right kokutsu dachi and block with a slow half shuto mawashi uke.
  12. Bring the left foot up to tsuru ashi dachi turning 45° to the right and previously described kick right jodan yoko geri at 45° and strike right uraken uchi and land in the direction of the kick into left zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan gyaku tsuki.
  13. Bring the right foot up to tsuru ashi dachi turning 45° to the right and previously described kick right jodan yoko geri at 45° and strike right uraken uchi and land in the direction of the kick into right zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan gyaku tsuki.
  14. Bring the left foot up to tsuru ashi dachi turning 45° to the right and previously described kick right jodan yoko geri at 45° and strike right uraken uchi and land in the direction of the kick into left zenkutsu dachi and punch chudan gyaku tsuki.
  15. Kick right jodan mae geri in the direction of the original zenkutsu dachi at 45° at the same time with the arms in the original position ,after the kick bring it back into tsuru ashi dachi,pulling both fists back to the ready punch position and Quickly step forward into kake dachi with the left foot behind and strike morote tsuki,right fist jodan left fist chudan and KIKI.
  16. Turn your hand to look back over the left shoulder and turn with the left leg into left kokutsu dachi and block with a slow half shuto mawashi uke,and move the left leg at 45° to the rear and pull the right foot back into right neko ashi dachi at the same time the right hand is positioned to hook an Quickly opponents neck with haito an das the right hand is pulled back the left hand strikes chudan yonhon nukite with the palm facing upwards n the same stance go through with gyaku shuto mawashi uke with the ibuki.
  17. End kata by moving the right foot back into the musubi dachi and the mokuso position is retained.

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