Kyokushin Karate:Sanchin

  1. Begin the Kata in Fudo Dachi.
  2.  Move into Musubi Dachi and Mokuso on the command “Mokuso”.
  3.  On the second command “Sanchin”, open eyes, move into the Yoi position with Ibuki.
  4.  On the command  “Hajime” move into right Sanchin Dachi simultaneously putting the  right arm in front of  the left and block Morote Chudan Uchi Uke with Ibuki.
  5.  In the same position bring the left fist back to the ready punch position (to a mental count of four), and punch left Chudan Tsuki with Ibuki with the extended left arm block Chudan Uchi Uke with Ibuki.
  6.  With the arms in the Morote Chudan  Uchi Uke position, quickly step  into left Sanchin Dachi and  inhale, bring the right fist back to the ready punch position and punch right Chudan Tsuki with Ibuki with the extended right arm block Chudan Uchi Uke with Ibuki.
  7.  With the arms in the Morote Chudan Uchi Uke position, quickly step into right Sanchin Dachi and  inhale, bring the left  fist back to  the  ready punch position and  punch in  a half  circular  movement (Kake Tsuki) across the body to finish under the right elbow with Ibuki.
  8.  With  the  arms in  this position  quickly  step across  with  the  right  foot  and  turn 180° into  left Sanchin Dachi simultaneously   blocking  with  a  fast  left  Chudan  Uchi  Uke   and  bring  the  right  fist  back   into   ready   punch position.
  9.  In  the same stance punch right Chudan Tsuki with Ibuki with the  extended right arm  block Chudan Uchi Uke with Ibuki.
  10.  With the  arms in  Morote Chudan Uchi  Uke position quickly  step into  right Sanchin Dachi and inhale, bring the left fist  back  to the ready punch position and punch in a half circular movement (Kake Tsuki) across the  body to finish under the right elbow with Ibuki.
  11.  With  the  arms in  this position  quickly  step across  with  the  right  foot  and  turn 180° into  left Sanchin Dachi simultaneously  blocking  with  a  fast left  Chudan  Uchi  Uke  and  bring  the  right fist  back  to  the  ready  punch position.
  12.  In  the same stance punch right Chudan Tsuki with Ibuki with the  extended right arm  block Chudan Uchi Uke with Ibuki.
  13.  With the arms in Morote Chudan Uchi Uke position quickly step into right Sanchin Dachi, bring the left fist back to the ready punch position and punch left Chudan Tsuki  with Ibuki, with the extended left arm block  Chudan Uchi Uke with Ibuki.
  14.  In the  same  stance  bring  the right fist back  to  the ready  punch position and punch right Chudan Tsuki with Ibuki with the extended right arm block Chudan Uchi Uke with Ibuki.
  15.  Still in the same stance bring the left fist back into the ready punch position and punch left Chudan Tsuki with Ibuki with the extended left arm block Chudan Uchi Uke with Ibuki.
  16.  Still  in the same  stance  quickly  grab  with both hands directly  in  front  of you,  at approximately  neck height, with palms facing out (grab as if to hold the inside of lapels i.e. of jacket). Quickly pull back both hands closed to the ready punch position. Inhale and open both fists and execute a Morote Yonhon Nukite with Ibuki (height of Nukite strike is approximately at your own solar plexus height).
  17.  Again quickly  grab with both  hands directly  in front of  you,  quickly  pull  back both hands  closed to  the  ready punch position and execute a Morote Yonhon Nukite with Ibuki.
  18.  Repeat the last sequence of grabbing, pulling back the hands closed and execute a Morote Yonhon Nukite with Ibuki.
  19. Quickly  move  back  with  the  right leg  into  left Sanchin Dachi,  position  both  hands in  preparation for  Shuto Mawashi Uke.
  20.  Quickly  complete the Shuto Mawashi Uke.  Inhale and  execute Morote Shotei Uchi,  right hand Jodan left hand Gedan, with Ibuki.
  21.  Quickly move back with the left foot into right Sanchin Dachi position both hands forward and quickly execute Shuto Mawashi Uke, inhale and execute Morote Shotei Uchi, left hand Jodan right hand Gedan with Ibuki.
  22.  The Kata  is completed by moving the  right foot back into  Musubi Dachi  and the Mokuso  position is retained until the command “Naore” when the Fudo Dachi position is taken.

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