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Kyokushin Karate:Sushiho

  1. Begin the Kata in Fudo Dachi.
  2. On the command “Mokuso”: Musubi Dachi / Mokuso
  3. On the second command “Sushiho” eyes open and occupied Yoi Dachi with Ibuki.
  4. On the command “Hajime” Migi Age Kakato Ushiro Geri, simultaneously stretch left arm and Osai Uke retreat end position, reach back with his right arm to Oroshi Uraken Uchi; settle to Migi Ashi Dachi Moro.
  5. The Moro Ashi Dachi Migi Oroshi Uraken Uchi runs. (The right elbow is on the blocking hand).
  6. Next to Migi Moro Ashi Dachi / Hidari Osai Uke / Migi Oroshi Uraken Uchi.
  7. Next to Migi Moro Ashi Dachi / Hidari Osai Uke / Migi Oroshi Uraken Uchi.
  8. Next to Hidari Sanchin Dachi / Morote chudan Uchi Uke (slowly).
  9. Next to Migi Sanchin Dachi / Migi Jodan Kake Uke (slow) / Hidari chudan Tsuki Gyaku / Migi chudan Oi Tsuki.
  10. Next to Hidari Sanchin Dachi / Hidari Jodan Kake Uke (slow) / Migi chudan Tsuki Gyaku / Hidari chudan Oi Tsuki.
  11. Right look, cover with Hidari Jodan Shotei in Tsuru Ashi Dachi / Migi Jodan Yoko Geri (hands remain in the previously assumed attitude).
  12. The foot to settle Kiba Dachi / Migi chudan Tsuki June.
  13. Left view, cover with Migi Jodan Shotei in Tsuru Ashi Dachi / Hidari Jodan Yoko Geri (hands remain in the previously assumed attitude).
  14. The foot to settle Kiba Dachi / Hidari chudan Tsuki June.
  15. The left foot prior to 45 ° Kiba Dachi / Migi chudan Gyaku Hiji Ate / with the same arm Jodan Age Hiji Ate.
  16. The right foot in front of about 45 ° Kiba Dachi / Hidari chudan Gyaku Hiji Ate / with the same arm Jodan Age Hiji Ate.
  17. The left foot in front of the same height with the right foot to (narrow) Kiba Dachi use / Hidari chudan Hiji Ate / Migi Oroshi Hiji Ate (deeper Kiba Dachi)
  18. Next to Migi Moro Ashi Dachi, while the right knee and both hands pulling (palm to the face) as a block.
  19. Right foot to settle Migi Moro Ashi Dachi / Morote Gedan Shotei Uke.
  20. implement left foot and 180 ° turn counterclockwise to Hidari Kokutsu Dachi / Hidari Kake Uke.
  21. In the same position Hidari Osai Uke / Migi chudan Gyaku Yonhon Nukite.
  22. Next to Migi Kokutsu Dachi / Migi Kake Uke / Migi Osai Uke / Hidari chudan Gyaku Yonhon Nukite.
  23. Next to Hidari Kokutsu Dachi / Hidari Kake Uke / Hidari Osai Uke / Migi chudan Gyaku Yonhon Nukite.
  24. Translation his right foot in a 90 ° turn in front to Kiba Dachi / Morote Shuto Gedan Barai left.
  25.  (With the left foot first) glide back to Kiba Dachi / Morote Shuto Gedan Barai left. Both fists close, Morote Gedan Barai from the left shoulder to the right side.
  26. (With the right foot first) slide-step prior to Kiba Dachi / Morote Shuto Gedan Barai right. Both fists close, Morote Gedan Barai from the right shoulder to the left side.
  27.  90 degrees forward to Migi Moro Ashi Dachi / Hidari Osai Uke / Migi Oroshi Uraken Uchi
  28.  Relocate the right foot and 180 ° turn to Hidari Sanchin Dachi / Hidari chudan Uchi Uke.
  29.  With the same arm Hidari Jodan Hiji Ate / Gyaku Uraken Ganmen Uchi / Migi Gyaku Shuto Hizo Uchi.
  30. Next to Migi Sanchin Dachi / Migi Jodan Hiji Ate / with the same arm Uraken Ganmen Uchi / Hidari Shuto Gyaku Hizo Uchi.
  31. Next to Hidari Sanchin Dachi / Hidari Jodan Hiji Ate / with the same arm Uraken Ganmen Uchi / Migi Gyaku Shuto Hizo Uchi.
  32. In the same position Migi Jodan Uke Shotei (slow hand remains in this position) / Migi chudan Mae Geri.
  33. Weaning Migi Zenkutsu Dachi / Hidari chudan Gyaku Tsuki (right hand open on the left forearm).
  34. Rotate hips 135 ° to the left and change direction to Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi. Both fists are closed. Slowly lead both arms diagonally upward and to the arms each have a circular describing until both arms are again crossed in front of face. In this phase, put the left leg 45 ° to the left to Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi and Doppe larm be wegung conclude with a quick Morote Gedan Barai.
  35. Next to Migi Kokutsu Dachi / Migi chudan Kake Uke.
  36. Next to Hidari Kokutsu Dachi / Hidari chudan Kake Uke.
  37.  Next to Migi Kokutsu Dachi / Migi chudan Kake Uke.
  38.  Relocate the left foot to the right and 270 ° turn to Hidari Kokutsu Dachi / Hidari chudan Kake Uke.
  39.  Arm position maintained, then serve up in a straight line to the right foot and the left foot one step forward to Kiba Dachi / Morote Shuto Gedan Barai left.
  40. Looking Forward and Hidari Osai Uke / Migi Oroshi Uraken Ganmen Uchi (the elbow on the open left hand).
  41. The left hand back to the normal position to the left side, then Hidari chudan Yonhon Nukite / Migi chudan Yonhon Nukite
  42.  Look to the right and in this direction with the left foot in Kake Dachi (intermediate step) and with the right foot next to Kiba Dachi / Morote Shuto Gedan Barai right.
  43.  Looking Forward and Migi Osai Uke / Hidari Oroshi Uraken Ganmen Uchi (the elbow on the open right hand).
  44.  The right hand back to the normal position to the right side, then Migi chudan Yonhon Nukite / Hidari chudan Yonhon Nukite
  45. Next to Migi Neko Ashi Dachi / Migi Jodan Tsuki.
  46.  Next to Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi / Hidari Jodan Tsuki.
  47.  Next to Migi Neko Ashi Dachi / Jodan Tsuki.
  48.  Relocate the right foot and bring 90 ° turn to Uchi Hachi Ji Dachi simultaneously both fists in Uraken Sayu Uchi position.
  49.  Morote Uraken Sayu Uchi / Morote Jodan Uchi Haito / Morote chudan Tsuki.
  50.  Slowly lead both arms up and his arms ever describe a circle until both arms are again crossed in front of face. From this position, a quick Morote Gedan Barai.
  51.  Delivering on the left leg to the rear and 90 ° rotation to Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi / Chudan Gyaku Tsuki.
  52. Next to Migi Moro Ashi Dachi, while the right knee and both hands pulling (palm to the face) as a block.
  53.  Right foot to settle Migi Moro Ashi Dachi / Morote Gedan Shotei Uke.
  54.  Next to Migi Moro Ashi Dachi / Morote Gedan Uke Shotei as previously described.
  55.  Next to Migi Moro Ashi Dachi / Morote Gedan Shotei Uke.
  56.  The left (ie rear) implement leg and 180 ° turn to Hidari Kokutsu Dachi / Hidari Jodan Kake Uke / Hidari Osai Uke / Migi chudan Yonhon Nukite on the open left hand.
  57.  Next to Migi Kokutsu Dachi / Migi Osai Uke / Hidari chudan Yonhon Nukite over the open right hand.
  58. The Kata is completed in Mokuso Dachi. This position is maintained, is taken to the command “Naore” Fudo Dachi.
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