Kenpo Budokan Karate: White Belt (10 Kyuu) Lessons

“I come to you with only Karate, empty hands, I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles or my honor, should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong; then here are my weapons, karate, my empty hands.”

  • Lessons Completion Status: 100%
  • Video Lesson Completion Status: 96%
  • Incomplete Lessons
    • Video: 13


  1. Lesson 1: Introduction to CMATOS
  2. Lesson 2: Self-Defense Awareness
  3. Lesson 3: The 8 Core Self Defense Techniques of the White Belt (八護身術)
  4. Lesson 4: The 4 Empty Hand Self Defense Techniques (四空手護身術)
  5. Lesson 5: Front Choke (Parting Wings)
  6. Lesson 6: Rear Choke (Circling Wings)
  7. Lesson 7: Single/Double Lapel Grab (Lone / Twin Kimono)
  8. Lesson 8: Handshake Defense (Gift of Destruction)
  9. Lesson 9: Weapon Self Defense
  10. Lesson 10: Gun to the Stomach from the Front (十級拳銃護身術)
  11. Lesson 11: Knife Held to the Stomach from the Front  (十級刃物護身術)
  12. Lesson 12: Stick or Club Swung to the Side of the Body (十級短棒護身術)
  13. Lesson 13: Chair Defense Against a Rear Choke (十級格闘護身術)
  14. Lesson 14: Short Form 1
  15. Lesson 15: Horse Stance / Toe to Heal
  16. Lesson 16: Marriage of Gravity
  17. Lesson 17: Angles of Attack/Defense
  18. Lesson 18: Push Pull Motion
  19. Lesson 19: Environmental Awareness
  20. Lesson 20: Range of Attacks/Defense
  21. Lesson 21: Front Kick
  22. Lesson 22: Side Kick
  23. Lesson 23: The Master 8 Fold Form Introduction
  24. Lesson 24: Practicing, Perfecting, Patience
  25. Lesson 25: Getting Ready for 9 Kyuu
