Tracy Kenpo: 3 Winds Claw (ABCD)


Defense A:

  1. Right foot steps back.
  2. Right hand claws punch then left hand claws punch as right foot steps forward right claw to face.

Defense B:

  1. Right foot steps back.
  2. Right hand claws punch then left hand claws punch as right foot steps forward right claw thru face down to sternum with a heel palm.

Defense C:

  1. Right foot steps back.
  2. Right hand claws punch then left hand claws punch as right foot steps forward right claw thru face down to sternum with a heel palm right half fist to throat.

Defense D:

  1. Right foot steps back.
  2. Right hand claws punch then left hand claws punch as right foot steps forward right claw thru face down to sternum with a heel palm right half fist to throat.
  3. Right heel palm strikes up to chin.
  4. Right fingers strike up to eyes.