Ed Parker American Kenpo: Falcons of Force

FALCONS OF FORCE (FLANK – Left & Right Shoulder Grabs)


  1. Step toward Opponent #1 (located at 3:00) with your right foot and form a right fighting horse stance facing 3:00. As you step, spin his left hand to your right shoulder with your left hand and deliver a right outward horizontal handsword strike to his throat.
  2. Immediately step toward 11:30 with your right foot to form a right neutral bow stance as your right hand checks the right hand of the opponent to your left (Opponent #2). Without hesitation, pivot counterclockwise to form a left neutral bow stance facing 7:30 as you deliver a left outward horizontal handsword strike to his throat.
  3. As Opponent #1 delivers a right step through punch from 4:30, slide your left foot back (counterclockwise) toward 10:30 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 4:30 as you deliver a right inward block to the inside of his right arm. Your left hand positionally checks at your solar plexus.
  4. Immediately execute a right front snapping ball kick to Opponent #1’s groin.
  5. Plant your right foot (gauging leg) forward and gauging the distance between both of your opponent’s. Execute a left rear crossover and deliver a right thrusting back heel kick to the solar plexus of Opponent #2.
  6. From Point of Contact, execute a right front crossover toward 1:30 and a double cover out toward 12:00 to end in a left neutral bow stance facing 6:00.
  7. Survey.
  8. With Opponent #1 off-balance but still within range, execute a right spinning 360-degree stiff-legged sweep to the back of his right leg ending in a left neutral bow stance facing 6:00.
  9. Survey.
  10. Execute a left front crossover and double cover out toward 10:30.