Tracy Kenpo: Crashing Elbow (AB)


Defense A:

  1. Left foot steps to 10:30.
  2. Left cross body parry keeping the hand up into check.
  3. Right forearm strikes through the right rib cage.
  4. Then right hammer fist strikes through the right kidney.

Defense B:

  1. Left foot steps to 10:30.
  2. Left cross body parry block, keeping hand up for check.
  3. Right Horizontal elbow strike to ribs then a right driving elbow into floating rib cage from behind.

Two Man Crashing Elbows:

  1. Left foot steps to 10:30.
  2. Left cross body parry keeping the hand up into check attacker 1
  3. Right forearm strikes through the right rib cage attacker 1 then right hammer fist strikes through the right kidney.
  4. Right Horizontal elbow strike to ribs then a right driving elbow into floating rib cage from behind attacker 2

Tracy Kenpo: Crashing Elbow (AB)


Defense A:

  1. Left foot steps to 10:30, left cross body parry keeping the hand up into check.
  2. Right forearm strikes through the right rib cage.
  3. Then right hammer fist strikes through the right kidney.

Defense B:

  1. Left foot steps to 10:30, left cross body parry block, keeping
    hand up for check.
  2. Right Horizontal elbow strike to ribs then a right driving elbow into floating rib cage from behind.