Tracy Kenpo: Crossing Guard (AB)


Defense A:

  1. Cross step left to 9:00.
  2. Left guard, right hand cocked by the left side of your head.
  3. Right foot hooks behind the attackers left foot.
  4. Right back knuckle strike to solar plexus.
  5. Right hand grabs shoulder.
  6. Pull in as you strike with a left forearm to head.

Defense B:

  1. Cross step left to 9:00
  2. Left guard, right hand cocked by the left rib cage.
  3. Right foot hooks behind the attackers left foot.
  4. Right back knuckle strike to solar plexus.
  5. Right hand grabs shoulder.
  6. Pull in, left forearm to head.

Defense C:

  1. Cross step left to 9:00
  2. Left guard, right hand cocked by the left rib cage.
  3. Right foot hooks behind the attackers left foot.
  4. Right back knuckle strike to solar plexus.
  5. Right hand grabs shoulder.
  6. Pull in, left forearm to head.