Tracy Kenpo: Crossing the Sun (ABC)


Defense A:

  1. Left to 10:30 cross block without stopping slide hand down to wrist.
  2. Right hand will counter grab attacker’s wrist and bring hand up to face level.
  3. Sweep right foot to 10:30.
  4. Pull attacker down across left knee.
  5. Left elbow to temple left downward elbow strike to spine.

Defense B:

  1. Left to 10:30 cross block without stopping slide hand down to wrist and counter grab.
  2. Step left to 2:30 left hammerfist strike to elbow.
  3. Pull attacker down across left knee.
  4. Left elbow to temple left downward elbow strike to spine.

Defense C:

  1. Left to 10:30 cross block without stopping slide hand down to wrist and counter grab.
  2. Left hand claw to eyes, left hand grabs wrist as you step left to 2:30 then right.