Ed Parker American Kenpo: Defensive Cross

DEFENSIVE CROSS (FRONT – Right Step Through Kick)


  1. While standing naturally with your hands up, step back with your right foot to form a left forward bow stance facing 12:00 as you execute a solidly braced right over left downward cross block on top of the opponent’s right ankle.
  2. Have your left hand covert into the shape of the crane (fingers and palm out) to hook the inside and under the opponents’ right leg (your right hand remains on top of the opponent’s right leg to act as a check). Without hesitation, guide the opponent’s right leg diagonally downward past your left hip.
  3. With the opponent’s balance disturbed and his body moving toward you, continue the clockwise orbit of your arms and deliver a right outward downward diagonal back knuckle strike to the right side of the opponent’s face. Your left hand follows with a left inward downward diagonal heel palm strike to the opponent’s right mastoid.
  4. Immediately convert your left heel palm strike into a grab to the back of his head or neck. While maintaining this grab, deliver a right front snapping ball kick to his groin. Your right hand remains positioned past your right hip.
  5. Plant your right foot to Point of Origin and deliver a right upward lifting stiff-arm back knuckle strike to the opponent’s face.
  6. Slide your left foot back to form a left 45-degree cat stance and deliver a left front snapping ball kick to the opponent’s midsection or groin.
  7. Plant your left foot (gauging leg) and deliver a right outward crescent kick to the right side of the opponent’s head.
  8. Momentarily plant your right foot and immediately bounce it to deliver a right roundhouse kick to the left side of the opponent’s face.
  9. From Point of Contact, execute a right front crossover and double cover out toward 7:30.