Kyokushin Karate:Garyu

  1. Begin the Kata in Fudo Dachi.
  2. On the command “Mokuso”: Musubi Dachi / Mokuso
  3. On the second command “Garyu” eyes open and occupied Yoi Dachi with Ibuki.
  4. On the command “Hajime”, are in Yoi position, the left block Jodan Morote Kake Uke, left the hands in this position, right Jodan mawashi Chusoku Geri, back into the Yoi position. Right Block Jodan Morote Kake Uke, left the hands in this position, the left Jodan mawashi Chusoku Geri and back into the Yoi position.
  5. Back in Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi hands Shuto crossed in front of his head, sideways Morote Gedan Shuto Uke.
  6. Leap forward with Left Mae Tobi Geri and land in Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi / Morote Jodan Tsuki jodan
  7. Migi Neko Ashi Dachi / Migi Jodan Morote Kake Uke
  8. Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi / Hidari Jodan Morote Kake Uke
  9. Migi Neko Ashi Dachi / Migi Jodan Morote Kake Uke
  10. Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi / Hidari Jodan Morote Kake Uke
  11. Back in Migi Neko Ashi Dachi, right hand on his left hand, Shotei Morote Gedan Uke on the left side of the body and immediately block up with Koken Morote Jodan Uke (right hand on the left).
  12. Back in Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi, left hand on the right hand, Shotei Morote Gedan Uke on the right side of the body and immediately block up with Koken Morote Jodan Uke (left hand on right). Back in Migi Neko Ashi Dachi, right hand on his left hand, Shotei Morote Gedan Uke on the left side of the body and immediately block up with Koken Morote Jodan Uke (right hand on the left).
  13. Back in Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi, left hand on the right hand, Shotei Morote Gedan Uke on the right side of the body and immediately block up with Koken Morote Jodan Uke (left hand on right).
  14. Migi Chusoku Jodan mawashi geri (traverse) and then Hidari Ushiro mawashi geri.
  15. Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi / Hidari Jodan Morote Kake Uke.
  16. Migi Neko Ashi Dachi / Migi Jodan Morote Kake Uke.
  17. Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi / Hidari Jodan Morote Kake Uke.
  18. 270 ° rotate in Migi Neko Ashi Dachi / Migi Jodan Morote Kake Uke.
  19. 180 ° in Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi / Hidari Jodan Morote Kake Uke.
  20. Turn 90 ° to the right and jump in Kake Kachi / Migi Morote Kake Uke.
  21. Turn on location to the left, jump into the air and land with legs crossed with Seiken Juji Gedan Uke (270 ° rotation).
  22. Place the right foot 90 ° to the right to a Soshin Dachi, Migi Shuto mawashi uke Migi Jodan Shuto Uke followed by Hidari chudan Tsuki Gyaku.
  23. Rotate 180 ° to the left (with rear leg) to a Soshin Dachi Hidari Shuto mawashi uke Hidari Jodan Shuto Uke followed by Migi chudan Tsuki Gyaku.
  24. Open both hands and stretch both hands slowly towards the side and cross them slowly before the midsection. The left arm is parallel to the ground above the right, arms.
  25. Getting up to Migi Neko Ashi Dachi (right open hand on the left hand open), Migi Morote chudan Haito Uke.
  26. Next to Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi and Hidari Morote chudan Haito Uke.
  27. Next to Migi Neko Ashi Dachi and Migi Morote chudan Haito Uke.
  28. Be moved to the back foot and 180° rotation in Hidari Neko Ashi Dachi and Hidari chudan Haito Uke. In itself position Migi (Gyaku) Yonhon Nukite
  29. The Kata is completed in Mokuso Dachi (the left foot is pulled back to the right foot). This position is maintained, is taken to the command “Naore” Fudo Dachi