Ed Parker American Kenpo: Forms : Long Form 1


  1. Begin in a meditative horse stance.

Section 1 

  1. Slide your left foot toward 6:00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  2. Deliver a right hammering inward block.
  3. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  4. Pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance facing 12: 00.
  5. Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch.
  6. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.

Section 2 

  1. Slide your right foot toward 6:00 to form a right 45 degree cat stance facing 12:00.
  2. Deliver a right thrusting inward block.
  3. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.

Section 3

  1. Slide your right foot toward 6:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  2. Deliver a left thrusting inward block.
  3. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  4. Pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 12:00.
  5. Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch.
  6. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.

Section 4

  1. Execute a left retreating side cover and pivot counterclockwise to face 9 : 00 in a left neutral bow stance.
  2. Deliver a right minor inward block.
  3. Deliver a left vertical outward block as you settle into your stance.
  4. Deliver a right rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  5. Pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 9:00.
  6. Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch.
  7. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  8. Slide your left foot toward 3 : 00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 9 : 00.
  9. Deliver a left minor inward block.
  10. Deliver a right vertical outward block as you settle into your stance.
  11. Deliver a left rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  12. Pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance facing 9:00.
  13. Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch.
  14. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.

Section 5

  1. Execute a left retreating rear cover and pivot counterclockwise to form a left neutral bow stance facing 3:00.
  2. Deliver a left outward horizontal elbow strike.
  3. Cock your left arm and deliver a left upward block as you settle into your stance.
  4. Pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 3:00.
  5. Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch.
  6. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  7. Slide your left foot toward 9:00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 3:00.
  8. Deliver a left minor inward block.
  9. Deliver a right upward block as you settle into your stance.
  10. Deliver a left rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  11. Pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance facing 3:00.
  12. Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch.
  13. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.

Section 6 

  1. Execute a right advancing side cover (V-Step) and pivot clockwise to form a right neutral bow stance facing 6:00.
  2. Deliver a left minor inward downward palm up block.
  3. Deliver a right outward downward block as you settle into your stance.
  4. Deliver a left rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  5. Pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance facing 6:00.
  6. Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch.
  7. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  8. Slide your right foot toward 12:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 6:00.
  9. Deliver a right minor inward downward palm up block.
  10. Deliver a left outward downward block as you settle into your stance.
  11. Deliver a right rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  12. Pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 6:00.
  13. Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch.
  14. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.

Section 7

  1. Pivot clockwise to form a left neutral bow stance facing 6:00.
  2. Deliver a left inward block.
  3. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  4. Deliver a right inward block.
  5. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  6. Deliver a left inward block.
  7. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  8. Slide your left foot toward 12 : 00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 6 : 00.
  9. Deliver a right inward block.
  10. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  11. Deliver a left inward block.
  12. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  13. Deliver a right inward block.
  14. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.

Section 8

  1. Execute a right retreating side cover and pivot clockwise to face 9:00 in a right neutral bow stance.
  2. Deliver a left minor inward block.
  3. Deliver a right vertical outward block as you settle into your stance.
  4. Deliver a left rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  5. Deliver a left vertical outward block.
  6. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  7. Deliver a right vertical outward block.
  8. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  9. Slide your right foot toward 3 : 00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 9:00.
  10. Deliver a right minor inward block.
  11. Deliver a left vertical outward block as you settle into your stance.
  12. Deliver a right rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  13. Deliver a right vertical outward block.
  14. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  15. Deliver a left vertical outward block.
  16. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.

Section 9

  1. Execute a right retreating rear cover and pivot clockwise to form a right neutral bow stance facing 3:00.
  2. Deliver a left minor inward block.
  3. Deliver a right upward block as you settle into your stance.
  4. Deliver a left rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  5. Deliver a left upward block.
  6. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  7. Deliver a right upward block.
  8. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  9. Slide your right foot toward 9:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 3:00.
  10. Deliver a right hammering inward block.
  11. Deliver a left upward block as you settle into your stance.
  12. Deliver a right rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  13. Deliver a right upward block.
  14. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  15. Deliver a left upward block.
  16. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.

Section 10

  1. Execute a left retreating side cover and pivot counterclockwise to form a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  2. Deliver a right minor inward downward palm up block.
  3. Deliver a left outward downward block as you settle into your stance.
  4. Deliver a right rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  5. Deliver a left minor inward downward palm up block.
  6. Deliver a right outward downward block.
  7. Deliver a left rear elbow strike
  8. Deliver a right minor inward downward palm up block.
  9. Deliver a left outward downward block.
  10. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  11. Slide your left foot toward 6:00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  12. Deliver a left minor inward downward palm up block.
  13. Deliver a right outward downward block as you settle into your stance.
  14. Deliver a left rear elbow strike as you settle into your stance.
  15. Deliver a right minor inward downward palm up block.
  16. Deliver a left outward downward block.
  17. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  18. Deliver a left minor inward downward palm up block.
  19. Deliver a right outward downward block.
  20. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.

Section 11 

Part A

  1. Step forward to form a training horse stance facing 12:00.
  2. Deliver a left inward downward palm down block.
  3. Cock your right hand at your hip.
  4. Deliver a right inward downward palm down block.
  5. Cock your left hand at your hip.
  6. Deliver a left inward downward palm down block.
  7. Cock your right hand at your hip.

Part B

  1. Deliver a right inward downward palm up block.
  2. Cock your left hand at your hip.
  3. Deliver a left inward downward palm up block.
  4. Cock your right hand at your hip.
  5. Deliver a right inward downward palm up block.
  6. Cock your left hand at your hip.

Part C

  1. Deliver a left push-down block.
  2. Cock your right hand at your hip.
  3. Deliver a right push-down block.
  4. Cock your left hand at your hip.
  5. Deliver a left push-down block.
  6. Cock your right hand at your hip.

Part D

  1. Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch toward 12:00.
  2. Cock your left hand at your hip.
  3. Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch toward 12:00.
  4. Cock your right hand at your hip.
  5. Deliver a right thrusting horizontal punch toward 10:30.
  6. Cock your left hand at your hip.
  7. Deliver a left thrusting horizontal punch toward 1 :30.
  8. Cock your right hand at your hip.
  9. Deliver a right roundhouse punch toward 9:00.
  10. Cock your left hand at your hip.
  11. Deliver a left roundhouse punch toward 3:00.
  12. Cock your right hand at your hip.
  13. Deliver a right uppercut punch.
  14. Cock your left hand at your hip.
  15. Deliver a left uppercut punch.
  16. Cock your right hand at your hip.


  1. Cover your right clenched fist with your left open hand.
  2. Close your meditative horse stance.

Tracy Kenpo: Forms : Long Form 1


  1. Step out with right foot to Square Horse stance, right hand makes a fist and your left hand covers right, slide right foot back into neutral stance and bow.


  1. Step back left to 6:00, right inward block, left reverse punch.
  2. Step back right to 6:00, right inward, left inward, right reverse punch.


  1. Adjust right foot to 3:00 so that you are facing 9:00, right parry, left vertical outward block, right reverse punch.
  2. Adjust left foot back to 3:00, left parry, right vertical outward block, left reverse punch.


  1. Adjust left foot forward about 6”, with a left hand parry followed by a right upward block, left reverse punch.
  2. Step back right, right hand parry followed by a left upward block, right reverse punch.


  1. Step back left to 6:00, right downward block, left reverse punch.
  2. Step back right to 6:00, left downward block, right reverse punch.


  1. Step to 3:00 with your left foot facing 12:00 into a square horse stance.
  2. Right forearm block, left forearm block, right hammerfist low, left hammerfist low.
  3. Right push block down center line, left push block down center line.
  4. Right, left punch to 12:00, right punch to 10:30, left punch to 2:30, right punch to 9:00, left punch to 3:00.
  5. Right upper cut strike, left upper cut strike