Tracy Kenpo: Passing the Horizon (AB)


Defense A:

  1. Left footsteps back to 6:00.
  2. Right hand counter grabs attacker’s wrist.
  3. Left elbow strike to face.
  4. Step with the left foot to 2:30.
  5. Pivot body to face 7:30 twisting the opponent’s arm over.
  6. Left hand checks arm, left kick to rib cage.

Defense B:

  1. Left footsteps back to 6:00.
  2. Right hand counter grabs attacker’s wrist.
  3. Left elbow strike to face.
  4. Step with left foot to 10:30 then step back with right foot to 10:30 pivot to face 4:30 twisting the opponent arm over left hand checks opponents’ elbow followed by a right front snap kick to the face or rib cage.

Defense C:

  1. Left footsteps back to 6:00.
  2. Right hand counter grabs attacker’s wrist.
  3. Left elbow strike to face.
  4. Step with left foot to 10:30 then step back with right foot to 10:30 pivot to face 4:30 twisting the opponent arm over left hand checks opponents’ elbow followed by a right front snap kick to the face or rib cage.

Defense D:

  1. Left footsteps back to 6:00.
  2. Right hand counter grabs attacker’s wrist.
  3. Left elbow strike to face.
  4. Step with left foot to 10:30 then step back with right foot to 10:30 pivot to face 4:30 twisting the opponent arm over left hand checks opponents’ elbow followed by a right front snap kick to the face or rib cage.

Tracy Kenpo: Passing the Horizon (AB)


Defense A:

  1. Left footsteps back to 6:00 right hand counter grabs attacker’s wrist.
  2. Left elbow strike to face.
  3. Step with the left foot to 2:30, pivot body to face 7:30 twisting the  opponent’s arm over.
  4. Left hand checks arm, left kick to rib cage.

Defense B:

  1. Left footsteps back to 6:00 right hand counter grabs attacker’s wrist.
  2. Left elbow strike to face.
  3. Step with left foot to 10:30 then step back with right foot to 10:30 pivot to face 4:30 twisting the opponent arm over left hand checks opponents’ elbow followed by a right front snap kick to the face or rib cage.