Tracy Kenpo: Stone Warrior (AB)


Defense A:

  1. Left foot steps into Horse Stance along with a double flex blocks to the outside of the attacker’s arms followed by a double inverted punch to face.
  2. Pivot to softbow facing 3:00 right claw to face.
  3. Left claw to 2nd attacker’s groin, then reverse to face 9:00 left claw to face right claw to groin of the 2nd opponent.

Defense B:

  1. Left foot steps into horse Stance along with a double flex blocks to the outside of the attacker’s arms followed by a double inverted punch to face.
  2. Pivot to softbow facing 9:00 right claw to face.
  3. Left claw to 2nd attacker’s groin.
  4. Then reverse to face 3:00 right claw to face left claw to groin of the 2nd opponent.