Shotokan: Tekki Nidan

  • Natural Stance.
  • Cross your arms in front of your body.
  • To (YOI) position.
  • Look to the right, bring both fists up in front of the chest at the same time crossing the left foot over the right. Bend both knees. Slow.
  • Swing the right foot up in an arc and simultaneously raise both arms up – the back of the fists pointing out.
  • Land with a stamp kick going into a straddle stance and perform a double block with the arms – the fists turned outwards as the block is completed. Fast.
  • Cross the left arm over the right – swinging the right arm, the back of the fists pointing downwards across the body. The left hand touching the right elbow – thumb underneath. Fast.
  • Move the right foot through into a straddle leg stance and with the left arm, push the right arm to the right to a downward block. Fast.
  • Move the left foot to the right foot and look to the left.
  • Bringing both arms up in front of the chest, feet together. Slow.
  • Swing the left foot up in arc and simultaneously raise both arms, the back of the fists pointing out.
  • Land with a stamping kick going into a straddle stance and perform a double block to the left. Fast.
  • Cross the right foot over the left and swing the left arm across the body – the right hand pushed into the left elbow as before. Fast.
  • Move the left foot through into a straddle leg stance and push the left arm to the left side to perform a downward block. Fast.
  • Turn your face to the right, pull both hands back to the left side – the left palm pressed into the right fist. Fast.
  • Perform an inside block with the right arm to the right – the left hand pushing against the inside of the right forearm. Fast.
  • Look to the front and without shifting your body weight lift the right foot up – simultaneously pull both hands to the right side of the body. The left open hand pushing the right fist. Fast.
  • Perform a stamp kick to get back to the straddle position. Simultaneously the right elbow is swung to the front of the body in an elbow strike, the left hand remaining against the right fist. Fast.
  • Look to the right and move your left fist to side. Open your right hand making it a knife edge and.
  • Sweeping it across the body perform a right knife hand block. Slow.
  • Perform a hook punch with the left fist, the fist on a level with the side of the body. Fast.
  • Without moving the arms, cross the left foot over the right. Slow.
  • Lift the right foot up and across in a big arc, crossing the left arm over to the right shoulder.
  • Look to the front and with a stamp kick land back in a straddle leg stance, performing a left arm inside block. Fast.
  • In one continuous movement bring the right fist to the front and then swing it back over the right shoulder twisting the wrist and the left arm in a downward block.
  • Continue the action by twisting the right fist and thrust it forward in an upward punch the left arm is pulled back level in front of the body. Fast.
  • Look to the left and pull both hands back to the right side, the right palm pressed into the left fist.
  • Perform an inside block with the left arm, to the left, the right hand pushing against the inside of the left forearm. Fast.
  • Look to the front and without shifting your bodyweight lift the left foot up – simultaneously pull both hands to the left side of the body. The right open hand pushing the left fist.
  • Perform a stamp kick to get back to the straddle position – simultaneously the left elbow is swung to the front of the body in an elbow strike, the right hand remaining against the left fist. Fast.
  • Look to the left, with right fist to the side, open your left hand making a knife edge.
  • Swinging it across the body perform a left knife hand block. Slow.
  • Perform a hook punch with the right fist – the fist on a level with the side of the body. Fast.
  • Without moving the arms, cross the right foot over the left. Slow.
  • Lift the left foot up and across in a big arc, crossing the right arm over to the left shoulder.
  • Look to the front and perform a stamp kick to land back to a straddle leg stance performing a right arm inside block. Fast.
  • In one continuous movement, bring the left fist to the front and then swing it back over the left shoulder twisting the wrist, the right arm in a downward block.
  • Continue the action by twisting the left fist and thrust it forward in an upward punch the right hand being pulled back level in front of the body.
  • Move the right foot back toward the left foot, crossing the arms in front of the body.
  • To the starting position. Natural stance.