Ed Parker American Kenpo: Dance of Darkness

DANCE OF DARKNESS (FRONT – Right Front Thrust & Right Straight Punch Combination)


  1. While in a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00, slide your right foot back to form a left front twist stance facing 12:00 as you deliver a right outward downward parry to the outside of the opponent’s right leg. Your left hand positionally checks at your solar plexus.
  2. As the opponent punches with his right hand, step forward with your right foot toward 11:00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00 as you execute a left inward parry followed by a right outward parry.
  3. Step forward with your left foot toward 10:30 and form a transitory left neutral bow stance as both hands cock at your left hip in cup and saucer” position. Immediately pivot clockwise to form a right close kneel stance facing 4:30 as you deliver a right outward back knuckle strike to the opponent’s right kidney with a left vertical punch to his right ribs.
  4. Immediately grab the opponent’s right shoulder with your left hand. Pull downward on his shoulder as you deliver a right vertical back knuckle strike to his right temple.
  5. Execute a left front crossover sweep (toward 4:30) to the back of the opponent’s right leg. As you sweep, your right hand begins a small counterclockwise orbit to loop and execute a right inward two-finger hook to the opponent’s left eye. Your left hand will be checking his right shoulder at this point. Your left hand immediately circle around and under your right arm to track along the outside of your right arm to deliver a left outward two- inger thrust to the opponent’s left eye. Your right hand will positionally check.
  6. Pivot clockwise and execute a right outward leg sweep (toward 4:30) to the back of the opponent’s right leg and settle into a left forward bow stance facing 10:30.
  7. Execute a right retarded ball kick to the opponent’s jaw.
  8. Recoil your right leg (gauging leg) and plant it to the right side of the opponent’s body (below his armpit). Continue to turn clockwise and deliver a left thrusting knife-edge kick to the opponent’s face.
  9. From Point of Contact, execute a left front crossover and double cover out toward 4:30.