Shotokan: Nijushiho

  • Natural stance.
  • Cross your arms in front of your body.
  • To the starting position (YOI).
  • Step backwards with the right foot on the same line as the left foot, whilst moving both hands (left hand open, palm down) out to the front.
  • Land in a right back stance and press the left hand and forearm down to the position shown – perform a pressing block, the right fist pulls back to the right hip. Slow.
  • Shuffle both feet forward and without moving the left arm, punch under it with the right fist.
  • Land, still in the back stance and perform a reverse punch under the left hand. Fast.
  • Step forward with the left foot and cross the left arm (closed fist) under the right arm.
  • Pull the right foot up toward the left, and pushing the weight forward more on the left foot, perform a left elbow strike to the level shown. Slow.
  • Turn to the rear (180 degrees to the right) and move the right foot across to the right (on the same line) crossing both arms (hands open) in front of the body.
  • Land in a right hour-glass stance and pull both fists back to the sides. Fast.
  • Perform a double fist U punch to the front, right fist above left fist which is turned so that the back of the fist points downwards both fists on the same vertical plane. Fast.
  • Lift the right knee up and perform a double arm scissors block to the upper level. Fast.
  • Move the right foot down and forward into a right front stance, crossing the arms in front of the body.
  • Perform a double reverse wedge block to the middle level. Slow.
  • Look 90 degrees to the left and move the left foot in that direction, whilst raising the right arm high and pulling the left foot back to the side.
  • Land in a left front stance and perform a left rising block. Fast.
  • Twisting the hips to the left, perform a right rising elbow strike to the level of the face. Fast.
  • Look 180 degrees to the right and move the right foot back onto the same line as the left foot (straddles stance). At the same time, open the right (edge) hand and cross the arm in front of the body.
  • Sweep the right arm across the body and perform a straight knife hand block. Slow.
  • Leaving the hand outstretched lift the right foot high.
  • Perform a side thrust kick at the same time pull the fist in a grasping action, back to the right hip. Fast.
  • Move into the previous position (a straddle leg stance) and perform a left reverse punch. Fast.
  • Look 180 degrees to the left and open the left (edge) hand, wrist bent.
  • Sweeping the left hand across the body, perform a straight knife hand block. Slow.
  • Leaving the hand outstretched lift the left foot high.
  • Perform a side thrust kick – at the same time, pull the left fist back to the left hip in a grasping action. Fast.
  • Assume the previous position – (a straddle leg stance) and perform a right reverse punch. Fast.
  • Look 45 degrees to the right and pull the left foot a half step back to the right foot, open the right hand and move it to the left.
  • Then sweep it up and around in front of the body in a circular movement (clockwise).
  • As the right arm completes its circular action and pulls back to the right side (wrist bent backward), the left hand (wrist bent backward) is lifted to the left chest. Perform a round house block and step forward with the right foot.
  • Land in a right front stance leaning forward and push both palms – heels to the front – left high and right low, as shown. (All one continuous movement). Slow.
  • Turn 180 degrees to face to the left and move the left foot across to the left. Whilst pivoting on the right foot, swing the left arm across the body.
  • And backward in a big sweeping action to finish (palm up) behind the body. Simultaneously swing the right arm up from behind the right hip and perform a ridge-hand strike to the head level. Fast.
  • Move the right foot up to the left and lift the left hand up to the front of the body.
  • Land in a closed stance and slap the back of the left hand into the palm of the right hand. Fast.
  • Move the left foot back and drop the left hand downward whilst pulling the right hand into the body.
  • Land in a right diagonal straddle –leg stance, and thrust the right palm-heel (thumb outstretched) to the front whilst the left hand (thumb outstretched) pulls up and in toward the body in a scooping block. Fast.
  • Pull both fists back to the body – left hand high (palm facing down) and right hand low (palm turned up).
  • Thrust both fists forward without changing the hand position in a ‘U’ punch. Fast.
  • Look 180 degrees to the left and move the left foot across to the left, whilst shifting the weight back on to the right leg and cross the left arm (open hand) under the right arm.
  • Land in a right back stance and perform a left back-hand block. Slow.
  • Move the right foot forward.
  • Twist the hips and land in a straddle-leg stance and perform a right-rising elbow strike to the face level. Fast.
  • Shuffle both feet to the side in the direction you are facing.
  • Land in a straddle leg stance, perform a simultaneous block and counter-right outside block, (finishing as shown) and left reverse punch under it. Fast.
  • Shuffle both feet back in the opposite direction to their previous position and perform a right downward block. Fast.
  • Look 180 degrees to the left, shifting the weight back on to the right leg and cross the left arm (open hand) under the right arm.
  • Land in a right back stance and perform a left backhand block. Slow.
  • Move the right foot forward.
  • Twist the hips and land in a straddle-leg stance and perform a right front elbow strike, striking the elbow into the left palm. Fast.
  • Perform a right downward block to the front, at the same time making a fist with the left hand and moving it to the inside of the right elbow. Fast.
  • Move the left foot in toward the right and step forward, crossing the left arm (open hand) under the right arm.
  • Land in a right back stance and perform a left back hand block. Slow.
  • Move the right foot forward.
  • Twist the hips and land in a straddle leg stance and perform a right elbow strike to face level. Fast.
  • Shuffle both feet to the side in the direction you are facing.
  • Land still in a straddle leg stance and perform a simultaneous block and counter right outside block, (finishing as shown) and left reverse punch under it. Fast.
  • Shuffle both feet back in the opposite direction (to their previous position) and perform a right downward block. Fast.
  • Move the right foot far across your left and face around 225 degrees to the left pivoting on the left foot and crossing both arms in front of the body.
  • Land in a left hourglass stance and pull both fists back to the sides. Fast.
  • Perform a U punch – right fist high, left fist (palm up) low. Fast.
  • Move the right foot forward and opening both hands, circle them in a clockwise direction.
  • Land in a right hourglass stance and pull the hands back with wrists bent backwards in a hooking action to the sides – the left high (fingers pointing up) and the right low (fingers pointing up) and the right low (fingers pointing down). Perform a roundhouse block. Slow.
  • Perform a double palm-heel strike – left hand high, right hand low to the front. Slow.
  • Move the right foot back on line with the left foot and cross your arms in your front of the body.
  • Land in natural stance. Finish. (YAME).