Ed Parker American Kenpo: Sets : Finger Set 2


  1. Begin in a meditative horse stance.

Section 1

  1. Step toward 12:00 with your right foot to form a right neutral bow stance,
  2. Deliver a right horizontal finger thrust (long range),
  3. Your left hand covers.
  4. Execute a back-to-front switch and end in a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  5. Deliver a left horizontal finger thrust (long range).
  6. Your right hand covers.

Section 2

  1. Step toward 6:00 with your left foot to form a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  2. Deliver a right vertical finger thrust (middle range),
  3. Your left hand covers.
  4. Execute a back-to-front switch and end in a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  5. Deliver a left vertical finger thrust (middle range).
  6. Your right hand covers..

Section 3

  1. Step toward 12:00 with your right foot to form a right neutral bow stance,
  2. Deliver a right upward finger thrust (close range),
  3. Your left hand covers.
  4. Execute a back-to-front switch and end in a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  5. Deliver a left upward finger thrust (close range).
  6. Your right hand covers.

Section 4

  1. Slide your left foot back to form a horse stance facing 12:00.
  2. Deliver a left rear elbow strike.
  3. Deliver a right over the shoulder horizontal finger thrust.
  4. Slide your left foot beside your right foot and immediately step toward 3:00 with your right
  5. foot to form a horse stance facing 12:00.
  6. Deliver a right rear elbow strike.
  7. Deliver a left over the shoulder horizontal finger thrust.

Section 5

  1. Slide your right foot beside your left foot and immediately step toward 9:00 with your left
  2. Foot to form a horse stance facing 12:00.
  3. Deliver a left outward overhead elbow strike.
  4. Deliver a right inward overhead elbow strike.
  5. Deliver right and left upward snapping finger thrusts (palm up).

Section 6

  1. Slide your right foot toward 10:30 to form a right front twist stance.
  2. Deliver a left inward parry.
  3. Deliver a right two-finger eye poke.
  4. Step back with your right foot to form a horse stance facing 12:00.
  5. Slide your left foot toward 1:30 to form a left front twist stance.
  6. Deliver a right inward parry.
  7. Deliver a left two-finger eye poke.
  8. Step back with your left foot to form a horse stance facing 12:00.

Section 7

  1. Slide your right foot toward your left foot to form a right 45 degree cat stance facing 12:00.
  2. Cock your right hand in a vertical crane hand position,
  3. Your left hand covers below your right elbow.
  4. Immediately step toward 12:00 with your right foot to form a right neutral bow stance.
  5. Deliver a right overhead finger whip.
  6. Slide your left foot forward to form a left 45 degree cat stance facing 12:00.
  7. Deliver your left hand in a vertical crane hand position.
  8. Your right hand covers below your left elbow.
  9. Immediately step toward 12:00 with your left foot to form a left neutral bow stance.
  10. Deliver a left overhead finger whip.

Section 8

  1. Execute a reverse step-drag foot maneuver toward 7:30 and form a right 45 degree cat Stance facing 1:30.
  2. Cock your right hand in an underhand crane hand position,
  3. Your left hand covers above your right elbow.
  4. Immediately step toward 1:30 with your right foot to form a right neutral bow stance.
  5. Deliver a right underhand finger whip.
  6. Execute a reverse step-drag foot maneuver toward 4:30 and form a left 45 degree cat stance facing 10:30.
  7. Cock your left hand in an underhand crane hand position.
  8. Your right hand covers above your left elbow.
  9. Immediately step toward 10:30 with your left foot to form a left neutral bow stance.
  10. Deliver a left underhand finger whip.

Section 9

  1. Slide your left foot toward 6:00 to form a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  2. Deliver a right inward horizontal finger slice (palm up),
  3. Your left hand covers.
  4. Immediately follow with a right outward horizontal finger slice (palm down).
  5. Slide your right foot toward 6:00 to form a left neutral bow stance facing 12:00.
  6. Deliver a left inward horizontal finger slice (palm up).
  7. Your right hand covers.
  8. Immediately follow with a left outward horizontal finger slice (palm down).

Section 10 

  1. Slide your left foot toward 9:00 and pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 9:00.
  2. Deliver a right inward horizontal heel palm strike and claw,
  3. Your left hand covers.
  4. Pivot clockwise to form a left neutral bow stance facing 9:00.
  5. Deliver a right outward hands word strike and claw.
  6. Execute a right advancing rear cover and pivot clockwise to form a right forward bow stance facing 3:00.
  7. Deliver a left inward horizontal heel palm strike and claw.
  8. Your left hand covers.
  9. Pivot counterclockwise to form a right neutral bow stance facing 3:00.
  10. Deliver a left outward hand sword strike and claw.

Section 11 

  1. Step toward 10:30 with your left foot and pivot counterclockwise to form a left front rotating twist stance acing  10:30.
  2. Deliver a left rear heel palm strike,
  3. Deliver a right inward overhead heel palm strike.
  4. Step toward 1:30 with your right foot and pivot clockwise to form a right front rotating twist stance facing 1:30.
  5. Deliver a right rear heel palm strike.
  6. Deliver a left inward overhead heel palm strike.

Section 12

1.Pivot counterclockwise to form a left forward bow stance facing 7:30.                                                                   si .         2.Deliver a left rear heel palm strike.
3. Deliver a right front underhand heel palm strike.
4. Slide your left foot beside your right foot and immediately step toward 4:30 with your right foot to form a right forward bow stance.
5. Deliver a left front underhand heel palm strike.
6. Deliver a right rear heel palm strike.

Section 13

  1. Pivot counterclockwise to face 12 : 00 and immediately slide your right foot forward to form a right 45 degree cat stance facing 12 : 00.
  2. Deliver right and left upward heel palm strikes and claws.
  3. Immediately follow with right and left outward overhead heel palm strikes and claws.
  4. Without hesitation, slide your right foot toward 3 :00 to form a horse stance facing 12: 00.
  5.  Deliver right and left heel palm timing checks along both of your legs.

Section 14

  1. Slide your right foot toward your left foot to form a right 45 degree cat stance facing 12:00.
  2. Deliver a right two-finger poke and return with a right inward two-finger hook ,
  3. Your left hand covers.
  4. Switch your feet and form a left 45 degree cat stance facing 12 :00.
  5. Deliver a left two-finger poke and return with a left inward two-finger hook .
  6. Your right hand covers .


  1. Step toward 9:00 with your left foot to form a horse stance facing 12:00.
  2. Cover your right clenched fist with your left open hand .
  3. Close your meditative horse stance.

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