Goju-ryu: Tensho

This form uses the same breathing as Sanchin with different arm movements

  1. Attention Stance
  2. Double outward block
  3. Right hand outward block
  4. Left hand punch
  5. Double Outward block
  6. Left hand Outward block
  7. Right hand punch
  8. Right hand outward block
  9. Right hand open palm
  10. Right hand spear
  11. Right hand palm
  12. Right hand under palm
  13. Right hand claw
  14. Right hand claw perry
  15. Repeat 8 – 14
  16. Double outward block
  17. Double claw
  18. Double spear
  19. Double push
  20. Double under hand push
  21. Double hand claw
  22. Double hand claw perry
  23. Double push down, double raise x2
  24. Shotei Ate left/Right
  25. Attention stance

Goju-ryu: Kururunfa

  1. Attention Stance
  2. Step to the right into Nekoashi dachi and right Shotei Osae
  3. Left Kuriuke
  4. Left Sokuto Geri
  5. Step to the right (repeat 2-4 from the right)
  6. Turn to the front and right shotei Suki and a left shotei osae uke
  7. Twist body quickly to the left and shotei gedan barai
  8. Turn to the front and right shotei Suki and a left shotei osae uke
  9. Step forward with left foot and left shotei suki and right shotei osae uke
  10. Turn to the right and repeat 7
  11. Turn to the front and right shotei Suki and a left shotei osae uke
  12. Step forward with the right foot and right shotei suki and leftshotei osae uke
  13. Turn to the left and repeat 7
  14. Turn to the front and right shotei Suki and a left shotei osae uke
  15. Step diagonally backwards to the right into nekoashi dachi and ura uke
  16. Step forward with both feed into sanchin dachi and right shotei osae and a left ura tsuki
  17. Right Mae Geri
  18. Step deeply forward with right into shiko dachi and hiki ate
  19. Pull right foot back into Nekoashi dachi and pull hands back into a tenchi kamae
  20. Step diagonally back to the left and repeat 15-19
  21. Turn to the front into neko ashi
  22. Double handed shotei tsuki
  23. Turn to the left and ura uke
  24. turn to the right and ushiro hiji ate
  25. Turn to the left and repeat 21-24
  26. step forward with right foot
  27. turn to the left
  28. Step forward deeply with the left foot into shiko dachi and position both hands in front of solar plexus
  29. Slowly stand up spreading arms out to the side as you go
  30. Bend both arms at the elbows so forearms are vertical
  31. Put the backs of the hands together and raise arms above head
  32. Quickly drop hips and bring both elbows together in front
  33. Double handed shotei osae uke
  34. Step deeply forward with right foot into Zenkutsu dachi and spread hands to side
  35. Jodan Kosa Uke
  36. Bring both feet together
  37. Turn to the back and hammer nage
  38. Step forward diagonally to the left and ashitori
  39. Step forward diagonally to the right and ashitori
  40. Step with right foot and turn into nekoashi dachi facing the front double handed shotei tsuki
  41. Attention Stance

Goju-ryu: Sanseiru

  1. Attention Stance
  2. Step forward with right foot into Sanchin Dachi
  3. Chudan Tsuki
  4. Step forward with left foot and Chudan Tsuki. STep forward again with right foot and repeat 2 / 3
  5. Open right hand and slowly turn over
  6. Pull right foot back into Zenkutsu Dachi and slide left hand down right arm to release opponents grip
  7. Step forward deeply with right foot and Ashidori
  8. Mae Geri with the left
  9. Mae Geri with the right
  10. Hiji ate with the right
  11. Gedan gayku Tsuki with the left
  12. Sokuto Geri with the right
  13. Turn to the back and left chudan Uke (Repeat 9-12)
  14. Turn to the right and left chudan Uke (Repeat 9-12)
  15. Turn to the left and left chudan Uke (repeat 9-12)
  16. Turn to the back in shiko dachi and kosa uke
  17. Turn to the front and shuto kosa uke
  18. Step deeply forward with right foot into shiko dachi and open handed jodan uke with the right hand and position the left hand in front of solar plexus
  19. Sweep the right foot up and step to the left side into sanchin dachi
  20. Awase Tsuki
  21. Turn to the right side, chudan uke, step forward with the right foot adn chudan uke
  22. Step forward deeply with left foot
  23. Awase Tsuki
  24. Turn to the front in a diagonally right shiko dachi
  25. Keken Uke
  26. Place one hand on top of the other, palms facing up
  27. Attention Stance

Goju-ryu: Shisochin

  1. Attention Stance
  2. Step forward with right foot and cross both arms
  3. Assume a double handed tate nukite kamae
  4. Pull back left nukite
  5. Nukite Tsuki and return to the same kamae
  6. Step forward with the left foot
  7. Nukite tsuki. Step forward with right foot and repeat 4/5
  8. Bring both hands together with the palms facing up
  9. Pull right foot back into Zenkutsu Dachi, clench both hands as left and right handed harai
  10. Step diagonally forward to the right with right foot into Zenkutsu Dachi, right ura uke and left gedan barai
  11. Rotate body quickly to the left and Osae with right forearm
  12. Step diagonally forward to the left with the left foot
  13. Left Ura Uke and left Gedan Barai
  14. Pull left foot back into Heisoku Dachi and right Ushiro Tsuki and a left Haji Ate
  15. Turn to face the back in Zenkutsu Dachi and right Shotei Garai and a left Shotei ATe
  16. Turn to the front  in Zenkutsu Dachi and right Shotei Garai and a left Shotei AT
  17. Turn to the left in Zenkutsu Dachi and right Shotei Garai and a left Shotei AT
  18. Turn to the Right  in Zenkutsu Dachi and right Shotei Garai and a left Shotei AT
  19. Step forward with left foot into Sanchin Dachi and Kake uke
  20. Mae Geri
  21. Drop into Zenkutsu Dachi and Hiji Ate
  22. Turn to the rear repeat 19 – 21
  23. Turn to the front in Zenkutsu Dachi and Hiji Ate from Above
  24. Turn to the rear in Nekoashi Dachi and double handed ura uke
  25. Step forward deeply with right foot into Zenkutsu Dachi and double hiji ate
  26. Step diagonally right with left foot into Zenkutsu Dachi and ura uke and gedan barai
  27. Twist torso quickly to the right and forearm Osae
  28. Step with right foot toward the rear in diagonal direction repeat 26/27
  29. Pull left foot back into Heisoku Dachi
  30. Step forward with right foot and turn to the front in Nekoashi dachi ura uke and a left osa uke
  31. Attention Statnce

Goju-ryu: Sanchin

  • From attention stance
  • Move to Yoi stance with the feet together and hands in front left over right
  • Right foot steps forward into Sanchin dachi
    • The tension in the arms is released as right foot steps, they stay in contact and turn upwards with a double middle block with the right hand in front of the left
    • As the arms raise crossed in front of you you breath in
    • And as the blocks move out into the double block you breath out
    • The left hand pulls back chamber as you breath in
    • With tension in the arm it extends to a middle punch breathing out
    • With tension the arm pulls in slightly as you breath in
    • Then the the arm turns back to middle block breathing out